As a member of the Northeast Mississippi Board of REALTORS®, you are also joining the Mississippi Association of Realtors® and the National Association of Realtors. These organizations offer member benefits and discounts. In addition, you’ll enjoy monthly NEMSBD membership luncheons and socials, networking opportunities, informative programs and free continuing education.
Dues are prorated throughout the year, please call 662-842-6450 or email nemsbd@bellsouth.net for dues information.
Board Officers, Directors & Committees

Board Officers and Directors
President: Robert Williams
President Elect: Rachel Ray
Vice President: Penny Leech
Secretary: Karla Harmier-Rucker
Past President: Justin Tapp
Treasurer: Levetta Conley
Directors: 1 Year – Cayce Conti
2 Year – Laurie Webb
3 Year – Robin Walton
MLS Directors
MLS President: Boomer Mize
1-Year: Doug Jumper & Jeff Treadway
2-Year: Blair Finley & Jerome Sheffield
3-Year: Ricky Murphy & Boomer Mize
Affiliate Alliance Committee
Chairperson: Phillip Hankins
Purpose: Increase Affiliate membership, encourage Affiliate members to participate in board events, recruit door prize participation. Assist with an Affiliate fundraiser or community event. Realtor involvement needed too.
MARPAC Committee
Chairperson: Prentiss Butler
Purpose: Inform and educate on the benefit of MARPAC, recognize MARPAC contributors, plan a MARPAC investor event. Increase overall MARPAC contributions, Major contributors, and Fair Share companies.
Member Services Committee
Chairperson: Kaela Turner
Purpose: Assess membership needs, provide meaningful member activities/events. Recruit new members and encourage membership retention. Team with other committees on group projects.
Meeting/Events Committee
Chairperson: Jessica Lee
Purpose: Assist with monthly luncheon meetings, association, and committee meetings. Seek ideas for programs and activities. Assist with meeting set-up- speaker needs, door prizes, handouts, and member recognitions.
Chairperson: Andy Estes
Purpose: Assess membership educational needs, organize & provide CE opportunities throughout the year, check out NAR grants/reimbursements to Board for offering NAR sanctioned/approved events.
Public Relations Community Involvement Committee
Chairperson: Carla Enis
Purpose: Encourage member involvement within local communities thru charities, events and other programs that promotes positive REALTORS® awareness. Activities/involvement can be financial and/or participation oriented. Promote Board projects through local news outlets and social media.
Inclusion & Diversity Committee
Chairperson: Christina Lenior
Purpose: Seek ways to encourage diversity in board leadership & overall meeting participation. Organize an event promoting fair housing and first-time home ownership, etc.
Grievance Committee
Chairperson: Elyse Smith
Purpose: Review Ethics complaints and Arbitration requests. Address issues that may arise within the Board in a fair and unbiased manner.
Realtor Safety Committee
Chairperson: Marea Wilson
Purpose: Promote REALTOR® Safety education and awareness to membership. Investigate NAR programs that offer grants/reimbursements to Boards to provide REALTOR® Safety services and programs to membership.
MAR Convention Hospitality Committee (Convention is in Tupelo, Oct. 2024)
Chairperson: Wendy Ainswoth
Purpose: Assist MAR Leadership in planning and implementation of various aspects involved with the October convention in Tupelo. Assist with concierge type services during the convention to increase the attendee’s overall experience here.